Show Your Support
Your donation helps increase LGBTQ+ visibility for Kaua'i residents and visitors. This commitment helps create a safer community for everyone.
Click the box below to donate online with PayPal through our partner, YWCA of Kauai. Please be sure to type Equality Kauai in the "Leave a Comment" box and select LGBTQ+ from the "Gift Designation" box.
Make checks payable to YWCA - Equality Kauai and mail to YWCA of Kaua'i, c/o Dollie Galiza, Lihue, HI 96766.
Word of Mouth
There are many ways to support Equality Kaua'i, simply by talking about us.
Follow us on Instagram and share our posts.
When you visit businesses who are members, let them know how you found them and share your appreciation for their membership.
If it's a business who isn't a member, please put us on their radar. We'd love to have them.
Tell all your friends about Equality Kaua'i!